I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! Are you ready for the Sunday review?! Well it's going to be a long one, so grab your favorite drink and get comfy!
Amazing Race Sundays 5pm EST / 8pm PST
The race continued to Hanoi, Vietnam with a double U-turn at some point in the race, the leaders of the pack tonight seemed to be Pam and Winnie, who won this leg of the race winning a trip for two to Whistler, BC Canada! My neck of the woods! I wasn't surprised that the You-Tubers were u-turned but I was shocked that they chose Chuck and Wynona! It didn't make any sense since the hockey players are big competition in this game and they were shocked too. Sadly, Chuck and Wynona made it to the mat after completing both detours, defeated and in last place and being informed they were in last place. But the luck of the irish was on their side last night as they were saved because of David and Connor's forfeit and they don't have to do both detours next week. Happily, they have survived another day! Will Chuck and Wynona pull themselves out of last place? Catch the next new episode on Sunday March 24th.
Big Brother Wednesday's 5pm EST/ 8pm PST, Thursdays Live 5pm EST / 8pm PST, Sundays 6pm
EST / 9pm PST
On Thursday we saw Emmett and Jillian ecstatic that Emmett had won HoH, leaving the underdogs to feeling defeated and by Friday the buzz was alive with word that Emmett had cheated and Slice putting out a statement saying they were reviewing the footage and if cheating is found, there will be consequences. And they stood by their word. It was true, but Emmett was not the only one who cheated so did Jillian, Alec, and Liza. Because of this Emmett was stripped of his HoH title, they all became have-nots and they couldn't play in the new HoH competition. Additionally, Tom couldn't compete either because he was technically still HoH, which I didn't mind at all as I am not a Tom fan, and of course he made it all about himself.
You could see throughout the episode Emmett was devastated and didn't even know he did it. I have a sneaking suspicion that Talla knew she cheated and thought she got away with it. The HoH competition was questions regarding the Irish parade that came thru the house, and Gary was the HoH winner!! I thought it was Suzette because her number guess seemed closest until my mom reminded me that Suzette was throwing it so she didn't have a target on her back, which made Gary the winner and I am happy with that!! For one, Suzette, the underdog, is safe and two, Gary isn't afraid to put anyone on the block. And that's exactly what he did, he nominated the smug Tom and lying Liza for eviction and Tom was finally knocked off his invisible high horse!!
Another favorite house guest of mine is Peter, I loved how Peter described Gary's win as taking it like a champ, kept it quiet, didn't show an outburst of emotion to make anyone else feel bad LOL. The exact opposite of what he did lol. Oh Peter your wit makes the show! Check out the veto competition next Wednesday to see if Tom and Liza will pull themselves off the block, and next Thursday is double eviction night, a crazy two days of events on Big Brother Canada!
Once Upon A Time Sunday's 5pm EST 8pm PST
Primarily filmed in Steveston BC, this ABC hit features characters from our childhood fairy tales and their present lives stuck in a world where they don't remember who they are and have no magic, Until one day Emma Swan aka the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming enters town and breaks the dark curse that has fallen over Storybrooke.
Tonight's episode focused on the Queen Regina and flipped back and fourth from 1983, when she condemned everyone to Storybrooke to present day, where everyone knows who she is and who they are.
Meanwhile, Mary Margaret aka Snow White is still heartbroken over the part she played in killing Cora. Henry detects that something’s up and Emma can’t lie to him again and She tells him what Mary Margaret did, but he can’t believe it. Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin, went to Mary Margaret's to warn them about Regina's plan to kill her. David aka Prince Charming insists that Gold owes Mary Margaret his life and he’s going to do whatever it takes to pay her back. A non-eventful episode but still entertaining and worth catching onto if you like fantasy! Check it out an all new episode Sunday March 24th and catch up on episodes online at http://www.tv-links.eu/
The Good Wife Sunday's 6pm EST / 9pm PST
Last week (March 10th) we saw Wallace Shawn, from Clueless, guest star as Charles, Lemond Bishops (drug dealer) long-time lawyer to help him try to win his losing criminal case for the murder of an employee. Alicia suspects Charles is pulling moves like his client and threatening witnesses, but now that Alicia is a partner, she overlooks this piece of information. Her moral compass is starting to wither away, now she’s backstabbing friends to get ahead in her career, overlooking witness tampering and kissing other men while supposedly working on her marriage. And after a better part of two seasons Lockhart-Gardner is finally out of financial crisis and returning to its old spending ways; flowers, furniture, artwork, and pastries. We see Kalinda and Cary grow closer together and are left wondering what happened the night before as we see them the next morning together....
Last night (March 17th) the infamous judge Ludwig dies in a car crash which has Alicia and Will working together to prove it was an accident in order for his insurance policy to be valid. Alicia finds out the Judge was talking on his cell phone while driving despite the fact that his car was Bluetooth enabled and because of this the insurance company is ready to pay 10% of the 2 million to avoid uncertainty.
After a long battle Peter wins the elections on the Democratic front and Jordan walks up to Eli and congratulates him on all his efforts. He then tells him that since the real war has begun, he needs to show him something. He shows Eli a picture that Zack’s girlfriend, Nisa, posted on the internet. He then tells Eli that Nisa’s father made a donation to a charity organization which is known to have some terrorist affiliation. Something that can not be affiliated with Peter.
Kalinda and Robyn are examining the accident spot and Alicia wants to know if there is anything that could prove that it was an accident and not recklessness. And Kalinda being the amazing detective she is notices the light bulbs are different proving that the just was in the dark when he hit possible black ice. Alicia and Will win the case even though they found evidence that his wife may have had something to do with his death. Meanwhile Cary's father has returned and of course having an ulterior motive. He says he wants Cary's law firm to head up a case involving a large pharmaceutical company and after a few disagreements his father takes it to another firm. But Cary saves the day by directly speaking with the pharmaceutical company and getting them back to the firm, putting him back on the fast track to partner.
The episode ends with Alicia telling her son he can date whomever he chooses no matter where Peter is in his political career.
To all you good wife fans out there aren't you happy to finally see Julianna's natural hair? For the first two seasons, I swear it was a wig and it drove me NUTS!!! Also, are you happy with the Robyn character, do you think she brings a little something to the table?
Watch the drama unfold next week, Sunday March 24th, on CBS
Revenge Sundays 6pm EST / 9pm PST

Last week (March 10th) we saw Emily get out of control in the aftermath of Amanda dying in her arms. Emily knows the Graysons are behind everything that happened to Jack and Amanda and she vows they will pay for everything they’ve done. Which she has been preaching every season. But this time she means it! Lol.
Jack survived his gunshot wound but his heart didn't survive, as she died in the boat fire. Jack knows/thinks that the Graysons are behind it all and he starts acting like their buddy and thanking them for everything they are doing. You can see that something is brewing there in his eyes and it will only be a matter of time before he executes it. Jack in his panic to find the computer used to blackmail Conrad by Amanda also finds a letter she kept from when her and Emily were in juvie together which makes him furious with Emily for lying. As Emily delivers Amanda's eulogy, Jack can't even look at her feeling so betrayed.
Meanwhile, Charlotte has been trying to find some family of Amanda's as she doesn't feel it's right that there is no one. And she is successful in contacting Amanda's foster brother Eli, who shows up to the grave site when Emily is there alone paying her respects. Will he recognize her? or will she get away with being the true Amanda?
Last night (March 17th) there was no Irish celebration going on here, we saw Emily try to play off the 'Eli only knows her from the night before' but when they are both at the stowaway he reveals he recognizes her tattoo and he knows exactly who she is. Panicked of him ruining all her plans, she offers to wipe his record clean and gives him $100,000 to leave, but in true a revenge twist, after he accepts he decides to donate the money to the Amanda foundation set up by the Graysons and stay in town for a little while longer.
The Amanda foundation set up to honor Jack's dead wife is really set up to aide the Graysons in keeping their assets away from the government. Jack confronts Nolan about being the one who rescued him after being shot but Nolan provides evidence that the person who rescued him was Kenny Ryan. It’s a good story, but the look on Jack’s face indicates that he may not buy it. Still, he lets Nolan know that he’s sorry he ever doubted him. Daniel opens up to Amanda that Aiden is a pawn in the initiatives next plot and what the Amanda foundation is truly being used for and Nolan tries to aide Amanda in accessing the Grayson bank accounts but with no luck as the elusive 'Falcon' has returned and is protecting the Graysons again like it did during the David Clarke trial.
Personally, I am sick of the Daniel story, his acting doesn't fit the part of a CEO or a man who deceives others, I wish he would jump on the Emily bandwagon and help in exposing the truth about his family and I am not a huge fan of Eli, I don't think his character really serves a purpose but to scare Emily and that has been done too many times on this show. I hope he is only around for another episode and gone.
The 'Falcon' is a new development in the always twisting David Clarke story so I am interested to see who it is, any ideas?!
The build up to the season finale is happening catch next weeks episode Sunday March 24th to see more drama unfold.
The Red Widow Sundays 7pm EST / 10pm PST
Unfortunately my friends with little interest in this show I have not had a chance to catch up yet. This may not be done until the spring/summer. I will update you all as I watch it.
Well my friends I hope you enjoyed my So Much on Sunday review! Come back again tomorrow, where new shows are revealed!
To all you good wife fans out there aren't you happy to finally see Julianna's natural hair? For the first two seasons, I swear it was a wig and it drove me NUTS!!! Also, are you happy with the Robyn character, do you think she brings a little something to the table?
Watch the drama unfold next week, Sunday March 24th, on CBS
Revenge Sundays 6pm EST / 9pm PST

Last week (March 10th) we saw Emily get out of control in the aftermath of Amanda dying in her arms. Emily knows the Graysons are behind everything that happened to Jack and Amanda and she vows they will pay for everything they’ve done. Which she has been preaching every season. But this time she means it! Lol.
Jack survived his gunshot wound but his heart didn't survive, as she died in the boat fire. Jack knows/thinks that the Graysons are behind it all and he starts acting like their buddy and thanking them for everything they are doing. You can see that something is brewing there in his eyes and it will only be a matter of time before he executes it. Jack in his panic to find the computer used to blackmail Conrad by Amanda also finds a letter she kept from when her and Emily were in juvie together which makes him furious with Emily for lying. As Emily delivers Amanda's eulogy, Jack can't even look at her feeling so betrayed.
Meanwhile, Charlotte has been trying to find some family of Amanda's as she doesn't feel it's right that there is no one. And she is successful in contacting Amanda's foster brother Eli, who shows up to the grave site when Emily is there alone paying her respects. Will he recognize her? or will she get away with being the true Amanda?
Last night (March 17th) there was no Irish celebration going on here, we saw Emily try to play off the 'Eli only knows her from the night before' but when they are both at the stowaway he reveals he recognizes her tattoo and he knows exactly who she is. Panicked of him ruining all her plans, she offers to wipe his record clean and gives him $100,000 to leave, but in true a revenge twist, after he accepts he decides to donate the money to the Amanda foundation set up by the Graysons and stay in town for a little while longer.
The Amanda foundation set up to honor Jack's dead wife is really set up to aide the Graysons in keeping their assets away from the government. Jack confronts Nolan about being the one who rescued him after being shot but Nolan provides evidence that the person who rescued him was Kenny Ryan. It’s a good story, but the look on Jack’s face indicates that he may not buy it. Still, he lets Nolan know that he’s sorry he ever doubted him. Daniel opens up to Amanda that Aiden is a pawn in the initiatives next plot and what the Amanda foundation is truly being used for and Nolan tries to aide Amanda in accessing the Grayson bank accounts but with no luck as the elusive 'Falcon' has returned and is protecting the Graysons again like it did during the David Clarke trial.
Personally, I am sick of the Daniel story, his acting doesn't fit the part of a CEO or a man who deceives others, I wish he would jump on the Emily bandwagon and help in exposing the truth about his family and I am not a huge fan of Eli, I don't think his character really serves a purpose but to scare Emily and that has been done too many times on this show. I hope he is only around for another episode and gone.
The 'Falcon' is a new development in the always twisting David Clarke story so I am interested to see who it is, any ideas?!
The build up to the season finale is happening catch next weeks episode Sunday March 24th to see more drama unfold.
The Red Widow Sundays 7pm EST / 10pm PST
Unfortunately my friends with little interest in this show I have not had a chance to catch up yet. This may not be done until the spring/summer. I will update you all as I watch it.
Well my friends I hope you enjoyed my So Much on Sunday review! Come back again tomorrow, where new shows are revealed!
xoxo L
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